Across the Street . . . Around the World

Being "on mission with the Gospel" starts with where we are: our homes, our neighborhoods, our communities. But we also are passionate about partnering with God and His mission to see every tribe, people and tongue "confess Jesus Christ as Lord to the glory of God the Father."

We invite you to join us as we continue on mission with the Gospel of Jesus Christ in order to see people reconciled to God and His name proclaimed in praise throughout the earth!

A Commitment to the unreached of india

We are committed to seeing the Gospel spread throughout northeast India, a place where less than 0.1% claim to have a Christian faith and among regions who have little or no access to the Gospel, the scriptures or any Christian witness. 

For the next three years (through September 2027), the people of Canyon Lake Community Church have committed to pray that God will perform a miracle in one specific district in northeast India. In addition, we are committed to support a missional work where Indian men and women are trained to spread the love of God and the Gospel of Jesus Christ throughout this region. 

Please consider partnering with Canyon Lake Community Church and Mission India as we ask God to do the miracle of transformation. For more information about how you can be involved, click HERE.

Global MISSIONary Partners

When it comes to worldwide missions, we strongly support those who are seeking to reach people who have little or no access to the Gospel or Christian witness. We long to see the Bible translated into new languages, believers discipled and churches planted. We invite you to become familiar with our mission partners, interested about the work God has called them to, and committed to praying for them and the people to whom they minister.

Ministry Partner organizations

In addition to our missionary partners, we have other ministry partnerships at home and abroad with groups and organizations who are actively sharing the Gospel, desiring to see others come to faith in Jesus. Please join us in praying for and supporting these organizations and the people who are impacted by their ministry.

  • BIRTHCHOICE centers

    Birth Choice Centers provide support for people facing pregnancy, parenting and reproductive health concerns. They provide pregnancy testing, ultrasounds, pregnancy education, baby supplies, fatherhood classes, and counseling support. 

    They are always looking for Christian volunteers and donors: https://friendsofbcc.org/home

    OR to refer someone to their services, check out: https://birthchoicecenters.org

  • Childcare worldwide

    Founded in 1981, Childcare Worldwide is a Christian, child-sponsoring ministry dedicated to sharing the gospel, providing hope and developing the unlimited potential of impoverished children around the world. 

    Website: https://www.childcareworldwide.org

  • Child evangelism fellowship

    For more than 80 years God has given Child Evangelism Fellowship a number of unique ministries which have proven to be effective tools in our effort to evangelize and disciple children through Good News Clubw, 5-Day Clubs and Christian Youth-in-Action programs.

    Website: https://www.cefonline.com

  • Family Research Council

    Family Research Council is a nonprofit research and educational organization dedicated to articulating and advancing a family-centered philosophy of public life. FRC seeks to inform the news media, the academic community and the general public about family issues that affect the nation from a biblical worldview.

    Website: https://frc.org

  • focus on the family

    Focus on the Family is a global Christian ministry dedicated to helping families thrive, providing help and resources for couples and parents aligned with morals and values grounded in biblical principles.

    Website: https://www.focusonthefamily.com

  • gleanings for the hungry

    As a mercy ministry of Youth With A Mission, our mission is to feed the hungry of the world, both physically and spiritually. We give shelf-stable food to ministry partners throughout the world to distribute with the love of Jesus.

    Website: https://gleanings.org

  • Helping Hands Group

    Providing concerned people a pathway to serve disadvantaged people in our local community (Elsinore & Menifee valleys) Serving the disabled, elderly and people in crisis is the goal of the Helping Hands Group.

    Website: https://helpinghandsgroup.us

  • mission india

    Mission India does one thing three ways; we transform communities in India by planting churches using these three proven strategies: Children's Bible Clubs, Adult Literacy programs and Church Planter training. Bringing hope to the unreached in India and making the name of Jesus known.

    Website: https://missionindia.org

  • Reach beyond (formerly Trans World Radio)

    The vision of Reach Beyond is to see Jesus known and loved among all people. Since 1931, Reach Beyond has been committed to using the most cutting edge communication technology to proclaim the Gospel and provide discipleship opportunities to the least reached.

    Website: https://reachbeyond.org

  • Riverside city mission

    Our mission is to provide opportunities for the poor, the homeless, the needy and destitute men and women of our community; to see their lives transformed by the power and love of Jesus Christ.

    Website: https://riversidecitymission.org

  • salem christian homes

    Many families living with an adult with disabilities find it challenging to provide care for them in the midst of all of life's demands. Our mission at Salem, is to provide a Christ-centered residential living environment where people with developmental disabilities can thrive and enjoy life.

    Website: https://www.salemchristianhomes.org

  • Words of hope

    Words of Hope proclaims the gospel through media in order to build the church in hard-to-reach places. We partner with existing Christian organizations in these countries and equip them to more effectively minister in their own language and context, among their own people.

    Website: https://www.woh.org

  • World vision

    We're a Christian humanitarian organization helping children, families and their communities overcome poverty and injustice. We follow Jesus' example to show unconditional love to the poor and oppressed. Serving every child we can - of any faith... or none.

    Website: https://www.worldvision.org