We have been invited, by our longtime mission partners Mission India, to participate in an evangelistic initiative which will most likely result in planting hundreds of churches and seeing thousands of people come to Christ! 

The Spirit of God is calling men, women, boys and girls to faith in Jesus in one of the darkest, most anti-Christian areas of India. Millions of people of people in this district live under the influence of Satan and have never even heard of Jesus Christ. 

The people of Canyon Lake Community Church have been given the privilege - the challenge - to ask God how we can be involved in this project and to raise funds to train church planters, Bible-based literacy classes and children's after-school Bible clubs. Help us proclaim the name of Jesus to a people who have no other opportunity to know Him!

Specific details about this project can be sensitive, given the current persecution taking place in India. Please contact us directly for more information about how you can be involved!


The Grace of Giving

The grace of giving is one of the most amazing blessings of the Christian life. Throughout both the Old and New Testaments God reveals that He intends that His redeemed people—those bought by the blood of Christ—are to be the channel for His gospel to be extended to the all the nations of the earth.

How, then can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, ‘How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news.’

Romans 10:14-15

Click on the link if you are ready to make your pledge. Or consider reading through the 7-Day Faith Promise devotional as you continue to ask God, "How much do You want me to give?"

Make a Pledge

7-Day Faith Promise devotional

Join us on a biblical quest regarding generosity and faith.

  • Do you want to know God's will when it comes to generosity? Join us for a 7-day focus on generosity and faith!

  • Even though we've been encouraged to pray about it, is this really the question we should be asking?

  • If generosity is going over and above what is expected and what I easily do, then biblical generosity can't exist without faith.

  • How confident are we in the promises of God? Biblical generosity challenges us to experience the promises of God - ultimately growing our faith and trust in Him.

  • "From my pocket..." can be the simple... or the cynical answer. But how does it get in "your pocket" and who provides it?

  • Why do we give? Is it for God's glory? To bless others? Out of obedience? Grattitude?... Yes!

  • God the Father models giving for us.

    The foundation for biblical generosity comes out of God's generosity toward us - the gift of His Son.

  • Thank you for participating in this 7-day devotional prayer guide. We trust God has spoken to you in the time you spent with Him and praying through your opportunities for generosity. This is one last encouragement as you implement biblical generosity.