Terms & Definitions

Here you will find an explanation for a number of terms you might have read in the Parenting Pathway.

We hope these definitions give you a deeper understanding.

“At Home” Questions:

Each week our kids come home with an “At Home” worksheet. These have family discussion questions to help cultivate conversation around biblical topics we are currently studying as a church family! They are written with every age in mind and meant to help spark conversation about God and His Word in your home.


Some churches baptize babies. We at CLCC believe in believers' baptism, which means that baptism is something we do once they put their faith in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Baptism is the first step of obedience as a Christian, and is a public confession of one’s faith in Christ. Baptism does not cleanse us or wash away our sins. Baptism is publicly identifying with the death and resurrection of Jesus. See Romans 6:3-4.


In the Bible we see God’s people celebrating what God has done and continues to do in their lives. We believe that there are significant moments in your child’s faith journey that deserve special recognition and celebration. We don’t want to simply pass over what God is doing in their life, rather, we want to commemorate these moments so that your child will remember them for the rest of their life. This includes celebrations like child dedication, baptism, first communion, graduation, etc.

Child Dedication:

This is a time when parents have an opportunity to commit themselves to God: to nurture and disciple their child, and invite the church to encourage and support them. By doing a child dedication ceremony we follow the example of Hannah in 1 Samuel 1:26-28. Click HERE for ideas of how to celebrate this with your family.

Faith Commitment:

We believe that each individual person must make a personal decision to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior for the forgiveness of their sins and for eternal life. See Ephesians 2:8 and Romans 10:9. (Click HERE for resources to help you share the Gospel with your child.)


At CLCC we affirm the biblical vision for marriage which is a lifelong covenant between one man and one woman. Inn addition to a biblical view of marriage, we recognize that not every family dynamic looks the same. We understand that some families have adopted kids, grandkids, blended kids with step-parents and step-children, single-parent families, etc. We want you to know that whatever your family dynamic is, we are here to help.

First Communion:

We believe that the sacrament of holy communion is reserved for those who have trusted in Christ as their Lord and Savior. Once your child has made a faith commitment to Jesus, they can begin to take communion with the rest of the church body. See Matthew 26:26-29 and 1 Corinthians 11:23-26. Check out some ideas of how to make this a special time for your child.

The Gospel:

When we talk about the Gospel and sharing the Gospel with your kids, we are referring to what Jesus has accomplished in His life, death and resurrection. The word “gospel” simply means “good news,” and from a biblical perspective it is the message of salvation. Sharing the Gospel with our kids means helping them understand that God created everything good, but sin made everything bad. As humans we are born sinners, and our sin separates us from God. But God sent Jesus to live the perfect, sinless life we could never live and died for our sins on the cross. Three days later Jesus rose from the dead validating His victory over sin and death. The Bible says that anyone who puts their trust in Jesus and His death and resurrection will be forgiven and receive eternal life. See John 3:16. (Click HERE for more information on how to share the Gospel with your child.)


We know that discipling our kids takes a lot of work and intentionality. We also believe in the collective wisdom and experience of other adults in the church. Therefore, we do our best to suggest ideas for each season of your kids' life that will help you point them to Christ.


These are the programs, activities, and events that our staff at CLCC host on a regular basis. These ministries are intended to come alongside you as a parent in a support role when it comes to helping you disciple your kids.

Primary Disciple-Maker:

The Bible teaches that it is the role and responsibility of the parent/guardian to teach their child the faith. Often, we see this as the church’s responsibility and therefore we simply drop our kid off at Sunday School or youth group and believe that we’ve done our part. However, the Bible paints a different picture for parents. See the following verses on more information about what it means to be the primary disciple-maker in your child's life: Deuteronomy 6:4-9; Proverbs 22:6; 2 Timothy 1:5; and Ephesians 6:4.

Promotion Sunday:

Every year at the end of the school year we celebrate Promotion Sunday. We take this day to acknowledge the end of the school year, celebrate our kids’ accomplishments, speak over our graduating seniors, and officially move everyone up to the next grade level in all CLCC ministries.


These are resources that we have either created as a church or that we have vetted and recommend for our families to utilize in discipling their children.

Serving in Ministry:

An important part of your child's faith in Jesus Christ is serving His church. The church is not just for our benefit, but we are a part of the church for others' benefit as well. At CLCC we encourage families to serve together, even when you have young children. We have families who serve together on our greeting team and in the café. Also, as your kids get older (12+) they can become RiPPed, which means they’ve been trained in our "Risk Prevention Program." This allows them to be a leader with kids 0-5th grade in various children's ministry programs. We also have high school students who serve in our worship arts ministry, both on the tech side of things, and also as part of the praise team. If you have any more questions about this, please reach out. We would love to help your family and your kids find ways to serve Christ's church!


Seasons are simply particular stages of life that your kid will go through. As a church we break down the different stages of life accordingly: Infant (0-2), Toddler (3-4), Elementary (5-11), Middle School (11-14), High School (14-18), Adult (18+).

Senior Night:

At the end of every school year we celebrate Senior Night as a part of our high school ministry. We dress up, have dinner, speak over our graduating seniors, and pray for each of them. Each senior is encouraged to invite family, friends, mentors, coaches, teachers, or anyone else who has been instrumental in their lives. We have an open mic moment for each graduating senior and encourage parents to share something on behalf of their child.