Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity.
1 Timothy 4:12
High school is such a unique time. Your kids, who used to be energetic and loud, now sleep a lot and barely speak. They also no longer despise the other gender but are actually interested in romantic relationships (maybe a little too much!) The temptation during this season is to check out; to give your teen space; to assume that they already have a strong faith so there’s not much more to do. Our encouragement is to avoid this temptation. Press in even more. Be intentional with how you spend time
with your high schooler and how you continue to disciple them.
Celebrations: We believe that there are significant moments in your child’s faith journey that deserve special recognition and celebration.
We don’t want to simply pass over what God is doing in their life. We want to make a big deal of these moments so that your child will remember
it for the rest of their lives.
Ministries: CLCC provides multiple opportunities to help you and your child in your spiritual formation.
Parenting Ideas: Each season has its own joys and challenges. We want to provide you with ideas to help your kids grow their faith during
this season of life.