Season 6 - Adulthood

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 

teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.

Matthew 28:19-20

Your baby is all grown up! But that doesn’t mean that they don’t still need your wisdom and guidance in life. Your relationship may not look the same as your child moves out and gets married, but you are still called to help them grow in the image of Christ as all believers must do for one another. Keep pointing your adult child back to Jesus and help them live out the mission

that Christ has given to all of us: to be disciples who make disciples!

                    Celebrations: We believe that there are significant moments in your child’s faith journey that deserve special recognition and celebration.
                    We don’t want to simply pass over what God is doing in their life. We want to make a big deal of these moments so that your child will remember
                    it for the rest of their lives.

                    Ministries: CLCC provides multiple opportunities to help you and your child in your spiritual formation.

                    Parenting Ideas: Each season has its own joys and challenges. We want to provide you with ideas to help your kids grow their faith during
                    this season of life.

  • Celebrations

    Even into adulthood our children will continue to grow spiritually, and although it will look different than when they were small, it is still important to celebrate these spiritual decisions! Go to the web page (see link below) for ideas on how you might celebrate these decisions in your child’s spiritual journey.

    • Faith Commitment
    • Baptism
    • First Communion
  • Ministries

    • Help them get plugged into a small group
    • Encourage them to serve in the church on a regular basis
    • Attend Men's ministry or women’s ministry events
    • Enroll in Foundations Class
    • Join Pursuit Sunday School class

    • Keep the conversation going. Family discipleship doesn’t stop when our kids are
      out of the house. It just looks different.
    • Stay involved in their lives. Call them up on a regular basis.
    • Continue to pray for them and with them.
    • Encourage them to get plugged into a Bible-teaching church as they transition
      to college or into adulthood.
    • Speak into their life as their brother/sister in Christ.
    • In all things, lead by example.


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