school staff

For our preschool/Kindergarten ministry team, serving your little ones isn’t a “job”, it’s a calling! Each of us truly believe that God has created us for His purposes and that He has given us an incredible opportunity to impact the lives of children through His ministry at Canyon Lake Community Church & Preschool.  

  • Brittany has called CLCC her church since she was just a toddler. Although she loved participating in the ministries here at the church, she never saw herself in leadership, but God had other plans! In 2010, God led Brittany to service in the preschool ministry and she never looked back! Brittany is passionate about Jesus, children and education, so this truly is her dream job. Brittany loves camping, the beach and Disneyland, but her heart is most fulfilled when she is spending time with her husband Ricky and their daughters Aspyn and Andie.

  • Chris spearman

    assistant director

    Chris and her family have called CLCC their home church for 22 years. Prior to serving in the preschool, Chris spent years providing childcare in children’s ministry at CLCC and continued to love on her own little ones as she homeschooled her sons, Leland and Marshall until 2012. At that time, God was calling Chris back into service through the preschool ministry! Chris enjoys reading, spending time outdoors and creating memories with her family, but she finds the most fulfillment when she has special Nana time with her granddaughters Kinslee and London.

  • Wendy carney

    Wendy Carney and her family began attending CLCC in 2010 when she began teaching in the preschool ministry. Wendy’s roles at the preschool have shifted through the years due to the needs of her husband Keith and four kids, but she remains a wonderful asset to our team! Wendy is readily available to assist preschool administration and currently oversees Scholastic book orders, scheduling and more! Wendy finds the most joy in spending time with her family, the Carney six-pack! 

  • emily Carney

    Emily has been a part of the CLCC family since she was just a baby, although she probably never envisioned herself on staff here! Emily joined the preschool ministry in 2017 and has been a vibrant asset ever since! Emily teaches in the Blue room alongside Ms. Bella. She brings excitement, passion and adaptability to our team. She’s energetic, fun and always looking for teachable moments. Emily has an adventurous spirit and enjoys spending time with her husband Jake, serving on the praise team and children's ministries and she loves traveling. 

  • Cyndi Ruth

    Cyndi (Mrs. Ruth) joined our team in 2020 and is currently one our fabulous kindergarten teachers, focusing on Science and Bible. Cyndi has many years of experience in the classroom and one-on-one situations through ABA therapy. Cyndi has a heart that is full of fun, love, compassion and patience for days! She loves getting down on the floor with the kids and she isn’t afraid of making messes. Cyndi is very active and finds herself staying busy and enjoying life! Cyndi particularly enjoys spending time with her husband and 4 adult children.

  • Lisa Dohan

    Lisa joined the ministry in 2020 and is one of our wonderful Green Room teachers. Lisa taught for many years as her children were growing up but had since spent some time away from the classroom, so she was beyond excited by the opportunity to jump back into the classroom. For her, it was like she never left the classroom as her passion and excitement was immediately re-ignited. Lisa has a laugh that lights up a room. She is an incredibly dedicated teacher and is especially gifted and passionate when it comes to sharing scripture and snuggles with her students. Lisa enjoys shopping, camping and anything else that includes her husband and 4 kids.

  • kara oltjenbruns

    Kara (Mrs. O) became a part of our preschool ministry team in 2016 where she began teaching our oldest preschool classroom, the Blue Room. In 2020, she joined Mrs. Claudio in our brand-new kindergarten classroom. Mrs. O has always been a passionate teacher, but her passion was lit in a new way when she stepped into the kinder class. Kara is very fun-loving; kids are always drawn to her bright personality. While Mrs. Claudio and Mrs. O have shared teaching responsibilities, Mrs. O specializes in Math and Social Studies. Mrs. O spends most of her free time at the baseball and football fields cheering on her two sons! When she isn’t teaching, she loves spending time with her family while enjoying their pool.

  • bev davis

    In 2011, God led Bev to service in the preschool ministry. Bev’s serves as one of our afternoon teachers, she is with the children each day from nap until they are picked up for the day. Bev has a passion for early literacy and has really enjoyed helping the children to create special cards for those in our community who are walking through a season of difficulty. Bev enjoys reading, scrapbooking and traveling. 

  • Kap koch

    Kap joined our ministry team in 2021 after recently moving to Canyon Lake. Kap brings with her more than 20 years of early childhood education experience and it shows! Her dedication to her students is second to none. She brings excitement, innovation and so much fun to the classroom, but above all else, she regularly finds opportunities to share the love of Jesus! Ms. Kap currently teaches in our kindergarten where children are blessed daily by her passion for education and faith. When Kap isn’t serving in ministry, she enjoys outdoor activities with her husband Vincent and two adult children, Allison and Nick. Kap is skilled at many watersports including wakeboarding and hydro foiling, but she doesn’t stop there! She also paddleboards, fly fishes and enjoys time in the sky as her husbands co-pilot! She’s our adventurer and we’re so thankful that the Lord led her to CLCC.


    Jasmine Franco joined the Canyon Lake Community Church & Preschool family when she began serving as our receptionist in early 2019. Jasmine continued her education in Early Childhood studies and she performed her observations in our very own preschool ministry! Once her education was complete, she began subbing in the preschool to gain necessary classroom experience. In the fall of 2022, Ms. Jasmine joined the Purple Room. Ms. Jasmine has the kindest and gentlest spirit. She lovingly leads children to the Lord in everything that she does, but their favorite time with Ms. Jasmine is probably when she leads worship with her skillful guitar playing and beautiful voice. Ms. Jasmine is a wonderful asset to our team and we’re very blessed to have her.

  • Bella Oak

    Ms. Bella is a familiar face at CLCC Preschool! She has taught and subbed with us for many years and now co-teaches with Ms. Emily in the Blue Room. Bella is so well-rounded. She is incredibly educated, extremely passionate and her dedication to her students and her classroom is top-notch. She has a calm and sweet spirit that the students take to immediately. She is such a blessing to all of us. When Bella isn't teaching, she enjoys spending time with her husband Ryan and their little sidekick, Chancho the Pomeranian. Bella spends time serving at her church and loves to be with her family. 

  • Allison Koch

    Allison Koch was a familiar face to many of our families before she began teaching with Ms. Lisa in the Green Room in 2024. Ms. Allison served as Canyon Lake Community Church's children's ministry assistant while also serving as the preschool receptionist. Allison has always had a passion for serving children, so once she completed her schooling, she dove into the preschool ministry. Ms. Allison is soft spoke and gentle, she's incredibly patient and passionate about children and their development academically and spiritually. When Ms. Allison is not serving at the preschool, she enjoys spending time with her family, reading and spending time with her family pets. 

  • Jessica Soriano

    Jessica joined Ms. Jasmine in the Purple Room in the fall of 2024. Ms. Jessica holds a Bachelor's Degree in Child development and comes to us with over 6 years of teaching experience. Ms. Jessica has a calm demeanor, she's very creative and has a passion for meeting each child right where they're at. She is so excited about the opportunity to serve in a Christian preschool where she is invited to share her faith in Jesus with her students. In her free time, Jessica enjoys reading, walking, listening to music and playing with her puppy Coco.